Written by Wendy Hanes, who represented Australia on the ICD International Panel of Hoarding Experts at the ICD 2019...
Archive for category: Hoarding
Kat’s Identity Crisis
, Decluttering, Hoarding, Relationships, Decluttering, Hoarding, Relationships, 0While Bill was pleased that he’d found a way to clear some clutter from their house, Kat felt a...
I was standing with a delightful client peering into her hoarded home. The house was so full that she...
Make Hay Even When The Sun’s Not Shining
, Decluttering, Hoarding, business, Decluttering, Hoarding, 0People who work in a service industry, like specialty cleaners and professional organisers, know that they are reliant on...
Working in a hoarded house is stressful. It places stress on mind and body. Apart from the confusion of...
The First Step to Getting Organised is to Buy Containers (& other myths)
, Decluttering, Hoarding, Storage, Decluttering, Hoarding, Storage, 0It’s true that containers can help store items neatly, but buying containers is a long way down the list...
Honouring Memories
, Decluttering, Hoarding, Relationships, Tips, Decluttering, Hoarding, Relationships, tips, 0“Why can’t they just chuck it out?” That’s what we hear from well-meaning citizens when we explain that we...
Not the state. I’ve only been to Ohio once, and I have met some very nice people who live...